House of the Dragon Quotes: Season 1 Episode 10 (Spoilers Alert)

The first season of House of the Dragon has come to its finale.

The brewing war between Team Black and Team Green will start anytime soon after the death of King Viserys.

Check out some of the notable quotes from HOTD Season 1 Episode 10:

We don’t choose our destiny. Luke. It chooses us.


I was frightened. I was. f our and 10, same as you are now. I wasn’t ready to be queen of the seven kingdoms, but it was my duty and in time I came to understand I had to earn my inheritance.


I am anything but my father looked after me and helped prepare me for my duties. Your mother do the same for you.


A war is like to be fought of this treachery but that war is not mine to begin.


Whatever claim remains to me, you are now it’s heir, nor is to be done, but by my command.


Come with me. I’ll show you the true meaning of loyalty.


Swear in your oath to Queen Rhaenyra as your queen, to Prince Jacaerys is the heir to the iron throne. Or if you support the usurper, speak it now out and you will have a clean and memorable death. But if you choose treachery, If you swear fealty now only to later turn your clothes, know that you will die screaming.


I’m Queen Rhaenyra now. And you all are traitors to the realm.


I would rather feed my sons to the dragons than have and carry shields and cups for your drunken usurper c*** of a king.


Aegon Targaryen sits the iron throne. He wears the conquerors crown, wields the conquerors sword has the conqueror’s name. He was anointed by a septan of the faith before the eyes of thousands. Every symbol of legitimacy belongs to him.

Otto Hightowers

Stale oaths will not put you on the Iron Throne, Princess. The succession changed the day your father side a son. I only regret that you and he were the last to see the truth of it.

Otto Hightowers

When dragons flew to war, everything burned. I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone.


You know, my oath reaches beyond our personal ambitions. A song of ice and fire.


My brother was a slave to his own impotence. Anything to make his feckless way appear to death purpose. Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.


You abandoned me when I most needed you, both our children stolen from us.


Heedless ambition has always been a Velaryon weakness.


Hope is the fool’s ally.


Taking caution does not mean standing fast. I wish to know who my allies are before I send them to war.


It’s been said that as Targaryens, we are closer to Gods than to men. The iron throne puts us a touch closer, perhaps, but if we are to serve the seven kingdoms, we must answer to their God.


